Snowy Hydro Young Driver Training Program is a professionally delivered program integrated with local high schools. Year 12 students undertake both theory and practical sessions outlining key focus areas such as their attitude and driving behaviours.
Included in the program is an understanding of the unique road conditions of the Snowy Mountains, such as snow and ice. The program also focuses on hazard recognition, accident avoidance, speed management, vehicle handling, DUI and fatigue, and distractions.
Funded by Snowy Hydro and facilitated by Driving Solutions, the program is designed for Year 12 students in the Snowy Mountains.

This program is valued by both high schools and the local community, benefiting participants, their families and the community. It is aimed at making a meaningful difference to the safety of all drivers on our roads, especially new drivers. The success of the Snowy Hydro Young Driver Training Program is a result of Snowy Hydro’s partnership with local schools.